Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Aidan: Chapter 6.2 "Reading Time"

Last time with the Diffys, Aidan grew into a young adult, Thad decided to retire, and Aidan got a job with the police department. This time...

A few changes have been made around here because the generation goal is living green! This is one I've been wanting to try, so I'm glad I rolled it.
We already had the expensive washing machine, so we ditched the dryer for these.
 Mr. Pickles is going to add fish to our fridge.
 He's getting very good with his hunting skill.
 Aidan still loves having ghosts interrupt his sleep.

In his retirement, Thad has taken up the beginnings of a garden.
 Runaway Papz: "Hot hot HOT. Please don't just laugh at me!"
You stood out in the sun trying to get celeb pictures for so long that you lit on fire! xD
 Thad will take pity on you, even though you wanted to use his likeness to make money at his expense.
 Runaway Papz: "Brush it off..."
 Thad: "Ugh, I went through the normal time period it takes to put out fire, but it's still not out."
 Thad: "That's unfortunate."
It really is.
 Yay Kim! I'm so glad I could achieve this LTW this time, as opposed to the first generation when it did not get completed!
 Mr. Pickles: "You stare at those paper things a lot."
Yes he does because I also rolled live your trait for the miscellaneous fun. Aidan is using his bookworm trait for this.
 Puddy: "My butt!"
Sally: "Mom, no."
 Puddy: *neeeeiiiighghgh*
 Puddy: "Oh. I'm old."
Sally: "Well, yeah."
 Mr. Pickles: *proud*
 Kim is off to her first day as a star news anchor!
 Look who we found at the park!
 Kim: "Jane! I see things are going well for you. What's her name?"
 Jane: "Katrina. She's actually one of a pair. The twin thing carried over."
I gave them twins. I just couldn't resist, especially with Wendy's genes.
 Following Jane around, she found the weather stone.
 I just like this picture. I can imagine Jane looking back on her life and feeling happy at where she's ended up.
Related, Wendy got a job at the science building. Doesn't make sense with her traits, but maybe she got interested in helping others have their own children.
 I see you survived, and we forgot to put locks on the new garden gate.
Congrats on the anniversary!
 It is coming to the end of summer, so we decided on a pool party to celebrate Leisure Day. And Jeramie's partner Theophraseus Souze recently died.
 Jeramie: "I'm sorry, I thought I could come out today, but I just feel like going home."
 Margarita showed up with some goopy carbonara.
Margarita: "I never want to make this again. Smells awful!"
 Wendy: "Love parties, but gotta go."
Your thought bubble says you hate parties, and I know this to be true.
 Here is our pool spread. Even though we are on living green rules, I have a bunch of stuff in my family inventory (such as these chairs and tables). Also I built this pool once, windows updates killed it, and this is my second go which I just got annoyed with so I made weird shapes. And the floaties were in build mode, so I'll say buying them is not cheating.
 Aidan: "Hey Emmie."
 Emmie: "You're smiling way too much."
 Emmie: "Thad, make him stop."
Thad: "Ok, it is a little creepy."
 Wanda: "I'm here! Oh, the parties almost over...ok..."
 I wish I could somehow direct my guests to the right area. Most of them end up staying on the porch and some of them end up in the kitchen because they had food. Does not work at all when they were supposed to be out here at the pool. Finally made it out and the party is over.
 Either this man just vomited, or a cat did. Not sure.
 Aidan gets his reading time in.
 Just be careful not to look in the window.

Thad and Kim are celebrating their anniversary. They still like Wendy's bed.
 You look awfully happy.
Aidan: "Meeting Margarita for lunch."
 Fancy, fancy.
 Hey it's Andrew Mint, a Sim I made.

Aidan: "She's rather late."
That's normal for Sims, right?

Next time: Will Margarita show up?


  1. Oh, I hope she does show up. Actually, I don't know if I do. I prefer Wanda ^-^

    Ooh! What happens on Sims anniversaries? Is it something special or is it just the notification and a moodlet?

    1. We shall see if she shows up. ^^

      Just the notification and moodlet, really. You have to make anything else happen, and I'm fine with that; wouldn't want them to be forced out on a date or anything. And in my game the years are so long that it is a bit of a feat for Sims to stay together for one whole year.

      Thanks for reading!

  2. Poor paparazzo was so ready for a scoop, and just lit her butt on fire instead. Luckily Thad was there to try to rescure her. It would atleast have made a great picture for the news. And Kim was so excited for her job, she even ran through a wall to get there in time. Not bad.

    Where is Margarita? Fashionably late or did Aidan get stood up? She has to show up, he rode his bike there. It just seems extra sad somehow if he has to bike home if she doesn't show up.

    1. I'm a little annoyed to see the papz all the time! So her setting on fire was hilarious!
      As a partial ghost, Kim is always running through walls. She must think how great it is to save time like that.

      I didn't think of that, lol. It would be extra sad to ride home on a bike. I can just see the sad faces (I have seen a Sim ride a bike with sad emotions before).

      Thanks for reading. :D

  3. I like living green, it's a nice challenge, although i only got halfway through that generation (it was a non-blogging file)

    Aidan is a very handsome sim! I do hope he didnt get stood up, although i agree with carrie, I prefer wanda :P

    1. I like living green because I love having a garden! I hope I get gardener for a career sometime, too. It's just hard to keep up with one if all Sims are busy.

      I think he's handsome, too! (Although I am really hoping for more genetic mixing in the next generation.) We shall see if Margarita shows up. ;)

      Thanks for reading!
